Kia ora. We are Bright Sunday.

A full-service marketing creative agency using our superpowers to serve and advance Aotearoa and the people of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.

We’re here to serve.

We’re here to serve the brave souls, disruptors, dreamers, and doers who want to do things differently and make behavior change happen.

We’re here to fight knowledge inequities by creating relevant and engaging communications delivered at the right time and in the right place so that people can make informed decisions about their lives - and for their whānau, aiga, and families.

We are Aotearoa-Pacific Proud.

We bring Aotearoa-Pacific creativity and smarts to the table to solve social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges.

We bring our connections, lived experiences and understanding of the cultural nuances to level up strategic thinking and creative communications to reach and engage the breadth of audiences across Aotearoa and Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.

Meet the Team